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Monday, January 31, 2011

Tinkerbelle Parades her brood, proud mother hen!

Hi Every bun, 

Sweetie here, 
click below to see our proud hen Tinkerbelle taking her brood out for a scratch.  It's their first one!  She has 8 healthy, hungry and noisy chicks to take care of.  We think she does a fantastic job...

That's all from me today, have a bun-tastic visit and catch up soon.

Remeber, don't be shy to say Hi!!

Sweetie xoxoxox


  1. eeeeeeek! They're too cute!

  2. thansk Lisa, we think they are pretty cute too ;o) from Sweetie

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  4. thank you for your comment, anonymous :o)


Thanks for visiting and leaving us a comment, they make our day! Take care, visit again soon. From everyone at Fairy Castle Farm !!