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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Glorious Winter Sunshine!!

Hi Everybun, Sweetie here, down here, yes that's right through the tunnel, hello!

As you can see today was simply glorious!  Sunshine, clear skies and crisp air to breath...  what more could a bunny want?

Pox and Angel just chillin'
 Oh, sorry Pox, what more could a bunny or a Chook want?

Ok where was I?  Oh, yes - a glorious winter day, all is good and well, until,     PATCHES!!

You remember my brother don't you?  That's right these were pics taken when he was inside recovering from his sore bladder issues....  all angelic right?

butter wouldn't melt?    Right?

Well, WRONG!!  Here below is my brother deciding to sneak around.....  he checks the coast is clear and then....

He's off, like a flash, getting up to all sorts of trouble!!  My Yollie had to race after him because he decided to go sneaking off into the "darkness and danger yonder"  a BIG NO, NO for us bunny's!!

My Yollie promptly and very unceremoniously  lifted him up and over her shoulder and marched him right back to the safety of our kingdom.  Although Patches was most apologetic my Yollie did not budge and he only got a sliver of treat today, perhaps this will teach naughty bun a lesson!

 What do you think?  Does he look sorry?  I don't think he does, I think he looks like he about to have a tantrum!!

My Daddy Angel was most disapproving  of Patches behaviour and got a nip on the rump for his efforts!  Go dad!

Until next time, take care every-bun.  Love Sweetie xoxoxo

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nom, nom, nom - how much nomming can you handle????

Hello all my wonderful friends out there.... It's Sweetie here,
Welcome to all our new followers and visitors, thanks for your comments
we love sharing them - 
Patches, however, is a bit slow and we need to
 "spell them out sometimes so he gets it!!"

Welcome also to INDIA - our newest country to visit =(:o3
We are all hoping you are having a bun-tastic week - we are!! 
Even if it is freezing, windy, winter and gloomy!!
Did any-bun else on this side of the world notice that yesterday got dark way too quickly? 

My Yollie said it's because it's called Winter Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere.

I was not very happy about it! Less play time, boo hoo! Which also means I get up to way too much mischief like; filming daddy eating his "special" poops!!  Hee, hee,
"Wazn' Me!"

Today I would like to share some "Noms" videos with you all - then I have a question for you .

Is that not music to your ears!??! And I don't mean the wind chimes - My Yollie says listening to us bunnies eating our hay is the best sound ever! We just like to munch!!

Ok, so my question is - who do you think makes nom time more adorable? Me or Daddy?? Let us know =(;o3 - I promise I won't sulk too much if daddy wins! Promise!

Now to finish up here is stats this week so far! Thank you to every-bun.

Pageviews by Countries
United States
United Kingdom

Monday, June 20, 2011

1055 Visits !!! A Global Welcome to all - Binky time!!

Ciao, Bonjour, Halo, baik hari, ¡Hola, hei,您好, hello!!!  to all our new friends and a special Hello and Ciao to our new followers, it's Sweetie here: .  

Welcome and enjoy,  sharing life with us on Fairy Castle Farm..... 
here are some of this weeks visitors ...
Pageviews by Countries
United States
United Kingdom
Well first up today, My Yollie caught me doing something a little strange ....  I can't explain it, the elephants rump just looked tooo irresistible - I just had to give it a taste!!

We also got to see Billy again, he is going into the vets soon to be "fixed" and he is none to pleased with the idea, no matter how much we try and tell him how much better he will feel after it's all healed up!

 Below is My Yollie's pride and joy in the "flowering garden" at the moment, it is a tree dahlia - it is huge but soooo pretty - what do you think?
see here for more on propagation etc ;
 We can see it from our castle and you can even see it from over the fence !! It is so tall.

Look who else fluttered by for a visit - we think she likes the pretty flowering tree dahlia too. 

And to finish off here is the truss plum tomato again, with one the the tomatoes that have ripened ready to pick - Yum!!

Bye for now, from Sweetie:  and remember:
"Don't be shy to say Hi"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spying Bunnies!! Full moon - Lunar Eclipse - Volcanic Ash - what more could you ask for?

Hi every bun, Sweetie here, twice in one day, I Know it must be a blue moon or something!  Well actually it is a red moon and isn't it spectacular!!  Look at how it made our Kingdom and Fairy Castle Glow!
My Yollie took this picture last night at 6.30pm.
 Below we have mummy and daddy sharing a tender moment under the moon light ... do I hear music? ..... "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's .....  amore"
 Busted Bunny!  What are you looking at Daddy?
"Who me?  Nothing??"

Yes you were daddy, we saw you, what was it?

  "oooh, what was I looking at ? "  

"through this tunnel here?"

 Yes, through the tunnel - what are you spying on?
 "look for yourselves then!"

 Happy bunnies, basking in the moonlight!!!

 Here we have patches, giving himself a grooming!  He looks so handsome with his ears down!
 As it is a full moon, and yesterday we had a lunar eclipse, along with all the volcanic ash floating in the sky it proved to be a very spectacular night sky show - don't you agree??

Till next time, take care from Sweetie xoxoxoxo