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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Glorious Winter Sunshine!!

Hi Everybun, Sweetie here, down here, yes that's right through the tunnel, hello!

As you can see today was simply glorious!  Sunshine, clear skies and crisp air to breath...  what more could a bunny want?

Pox and Angel just chillin'
 Oh, sorry Pox, what more could a bunny or a Chook want?

Ok where was I?  Oh, yes - a glorious winter day, all is good and well, until,     PATCHES!!

You remember my brother don't you?  That's right these were pics taken when he was inside recovering from his sore bladder issues....  all angelic right?

butter wouldn't melt?    Right?

Well, WRONG!!  Here below is my brother deciding to sneak around.....  he checks the coast is clear and then....

He's off, like a flash, getting up to all sorts of trouble!!  My Yollie had to race after him because he decided to go sneaking off into the "darkness and danger yonder"  a BIG NO, NO for us bunny's!!

My Yollie promptly and very unceremoniously  lifted him up and over her shoulder and marched him right back to the safety of our kingdom.  Although Patches was most apologetic my Yollie did not budge and he only got a sliver of treat today, perhaps this will teach naughty bun a lesson!

 What do you think?  Does he look sorry?  I don't think he does, I think he looks like he about to have a tantrum!!

My Daddy Angel was most disapproving  of Patches behaviour and got a nip on the rump for his efforts!  Go dad!

Until next time, take care every-bun.  Love Sweetie xoxoxo


  1. Buns will be buns--give them an inch and they'll take a mile. :)

    Lovely pics of the big cats, looks like a wonderful vacation!

  2. Gorgeous pictures! Sweetie, you run a tight shop there! Keep everyone in line and don't let anyone near the dangers. I'm glad to hear of your adventures. Thank you for taking the time to post what's going on there.

  3. Thank you for stopping by and leaving us comments.

    @Jade, we you know, when you have a faces like ours, why wouldn't you? - I'll let My Yollie know you like the scary big cat pics, I'll give them a pass though ;O3

    @Six Bunnies, You are so kind. I like you very much. Stop by anytime if you are going to leave such awesome comments! I do my best you know but they can be a handful at times, especially Patches!!!

    thanks for visiting, from Sweetie xxx

  4. **ooops** I really do need a manicure (darn it!!) that should read, "Well you know" on Jade's reply. silly me (from Sweetie)

  5. Hey Yollie, wonderful pics from your holiday. Those cats are huge, please don't let Sweetie see them......

    Cute chook, I love the Sussex breed, is she a Bantam?

    Have see some playful bunnies around here, but fortunately they are keeping their distance and leaving our garden alone..........

    Have a great weekend and thanks for being a follower........

    Claire :}

  6. Hi Claire, nice to speak with you again. Thanks for stopping by....

    You know miss Sweetie well. Big cats and Little Buns DO NOT MIX!! I learn't the hard way.

    I'm glad to hear you local buns are keeping their distance. Possibly Sweetie has sent word?

    Have a wonderful weekend also - take care.


Thanks for visiting and leaving us a comment, they make our day! Take care, visit again soon. From everyone at Fairy Castle Farm !!