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Monday, August 1, 2011

Billy the kitty - in for the snippy!!

Good day every-bun,

It's Sweetie here again,

I hope you are all well!
We have had a fantastic week, spoiling our recovering little princess.  We have been feeding her lots of yummy treats and giving her millions of nose bonks, kisses and bumps!

We too have been spoilt with lots of fantastic "story time" sessions.  These are my daddy's favourite, he thinks she is the ants pants when it comes to story telling!

Sorry we don't have any new pics to share - but we are on it and hope to update you all soon....

Ok, on to today's post....

Billy the Kitty - In for the Snippy!!!

Yep, Billy is all ready for his big boy op.

Tomorrow My Yollie will pick him up from Nonna's house (where he lives) and bring him here to the Kingdom, where he will serve as valiant Knight and protector for a couple of days.
I'm sure we will get to have a good ol' catch up on things, he will get to stay the night and then on Wednesday morning - off he will go (or should I say dragged)  to the Vets.

Billy will get to spend Wednesday night with us too before heading back to his house on Thursday.  Well that's the plan, anyhoo...

Now My Yollie just has to work out how to keep Billy and Chester away from each other!

 I wish her the best of luck....

That's it from me.

take care everybun and we will catch up soon, with pictures, I promise!!



  1. Thanks Sue, Clovie's not bad either!!

  2. Best of luck with the op Billy. May you have a seedy recovery and feel a lesser man because of it.
    And Yollie good luck keeping Billy and Chester away from each other. My experiences say cats don't mix well.

  3. Thanks Jason, happy to report the op went well, Billy is none the wiser and as happy as ever. By some miracle, even keeping the felines separated was a success. Seeing as we just got over salmonella poisoning of our little human, something had to give, didn't it? Take care - Yollie


Thanks for visiting and leaving us a comment, they make our day! Take care, visit again soon. From everyone at Fairy Castle Farm !!