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Monday, October 10, 2011

Hrumpft! Zoo trip? Again!!

Hello every-bun....

Sweetie here, not a very pleased bunny today.

macaw 01.jpg
 Why you ask?   I'll tell you in three (3)words.... 'Family Zoo Day!'
Like they really need to go to the zoo?
Don't they already have more than enough to keep them occupied right here?

Well I guess not.

Just before I go, I would like to say a big welcome and hello to our newest followers thanks very much, Ok, my bit over, so scroll down  see their photos, do your ooh's and aaah's, enjoy.... but not tooo much!

 Wang Wang the panda
tiger 450w.jpgtasmanian devil 450w 02.jpgpanda intro 04.JPG *source *
 Zoo bunnies

Yes, I KNOW they spent time with the Zoo Bunnies!!!!!!!     I'll be in my burrow *thump, thump*

Till next time, take care and don't be shy to say hi!

From Sweetie xoxo


  1. Oh, Sweetie, I'm sure those zoo bunnies are wishing they were where you are now; in a lovely home with people who love you lots. :)

  2. Saturday night the family and I went to a zoo of such. Tatachilla school have a wild life sanctuary and we went on a dusk tour. It was wonderful to see all these little critters hopping about.

  3. Jade, thanks and I never looked at it like that, hmmmmm - food for thought, did somebun say food??? *nom,nom,nom*

    Jason, wow Tatachilla schooh has it's own sanctuary, well we never knew that!!! Sounds really nice, glad you enjoyed your visit... take care From Sweetie

  4. The zoo bunnies are jealous they don't have a wonderful home with loving humans like you do.

  5. Oh, I just love you Shell!! *whisker tickles* from Sweetie

  6. Love the pic of Ariel or is it Tink? and her chicks!

    Agree with Shell the zoo bunnies wanted to come home and live in your castle Sweetie! You have so many friends in your wonderful home you are a lucky bun! x

  7. oh, thanks very much Mrs Bok, we love your place too! The hen you are referring to is Tinkerbelle our light Sussex, we call her Tink, she is a wonderful 'clucky' hen, as soon as she sees 6 eggs together she gets all broody ;o) Take care from Sweetie xx

  8. It's a bun-derful life...


Thanks for visiting and leaving us a comment, they make our day! Take care, visit again soon. From everyone at Fairy Castle Farm !!