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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Too long between posts .... so lots to catch up on .....Now

A very, very long time has passed since we have updated our blog.

For this we are sorry.  So much has happened around here good and some not so good, it was initially difficult to find the time to share our world... but then it became difficult to find the words :(

Yollie here,

Prince Patches the Puzzling of FCF, Rest in Peace

17/Sept/09 ~ 20/Dec/12

It is with great sadness that I share with you all that our dear, beloved Prince of FCF has grown his wings and set over Rainbow bridge....

Prince Patches the Puzzling, made his journey on the 20th December 2012.  It was a sudden blockage - inoperable and sadly too painful to allow him to go on.  He had a metabolic condition that mean he was unable to absorb calcium from food in the proper amount and ultimately his beautiful and precious life was cut too short.  We love and miss him so very much - the pain is a reminder of this love.  RIP gorgeous man, in our hearts forever.

Sweetie obviously took her brothers passing hard.  She refused food and needed constant encouragement to eat and drink. She was oh so quiet.  It broke our hearts to watch her this way. Melancholy, un-interested, distanced are words I would use to describe her mood.   I am pleased to report that since then, she has improved.  We have not seen a binky as yet, but certainly much more her cheeky, mischievous self.

Luckily, and I don't know what made me do it *looks to the heavens* I had been working on bonding Willow and Sweetie, prior to Patches' passing,  this has truly been a life-saver.  I am happy to report that Sweetie is officially our housebunny and Willow has welcomed her whole heartedly.  We do however have a little matter to sort out regarding a certain blankie!
Willow says it is HER blankie..... 


Sweetie disagrees!!   It is HER blanket... 
The official "Blankie Wars" have begun....
Onto other news, I am pleased to report that Angel and Teegee are fighting fit, in love and happy....
Loving their life as King and Queen of Fairy Castle farm.  We are surviving the awful heatwaves here in Australia right now.... and look forward to the cooler days to come.

We were also overjoyed to receive Xmas cards from our facebook friends, near and far... very far, right over the other side of the globe in fact!!  The human residents are all well too and look forward to a year of joy, love and good health.   Yollie's dad however is poorly, he is booked into have spinal surgery early next month.  Prayers and positive vibes would be greatly appreciated <3 div="" nbsp="">

General Hudson our rooster is also having a bit of a tough spell... much to his disgust.  We are considered suburbia here at FCF, not rural and we have had a Ranger from our local council inform us that his morning crow is disturbing 1 (yes that is right, one) neighbour and therefore, if we cannot suppress his morning song (just for a little bit) then he will need to find a new castle to protect.   Long story short, Mr Stewart (my fabulous, talent and brilliant hubby) once again saves the day.  The "Tinkerbelle Nursery" he built earlier, also serves as an outstanding  Rooster silencer!! 
No longer needed as a nursery... Mr Stewart's coup is now the perfect "Rooster Silencer" !!
 I have now got into the routine of placing King General Hudson in the coup after dark and allow him to join his flock each morning after 8.30am.... it seems to be working a treat.   The Ranger said he will follow up with me (this was supposed to occur over a week ago now) but I have not heard from him.... so I am taking this as, no news is good news! 
Here you can see a side view, Tink had her chick in here ... you can actually see General Hudson to the bottom right.... this nesting area is actually two partitions (nesting boxes) so perfect for keeping Hudson secure and silenced... hopefully meaning he can continue to live with us here at FCF.... finger, paws and ears all crossed 

T hank you everyone for visiting so often and especially since we have not been updating the blog.  Please know that we do see all your visits on our counter and are truly blessed to have so much support around the world.

I do seem to keep Facebook updated, so if you like to know what is happening and would like to visit us there please do.... we love to welcome new friends... here is our link  

We hope you are enjoying life wherever that may be... and love to hear from you, so please, as Sweetie would say, "Don't be shy to hop by and say Hi!!"

Yollie xoxox


  1. Thank you for the update! Some so very sad and some very happy but I hope 2013 brings you just happiness :)

  2. Hi everyone so sorry about the Sad news but glad that Sweetie and Willow are getting on better,good luck to gramps with his op,xx Speedy and mum

  3. Always happy to see your posts. Very sorry for your loss at Fairy Castle Farm, but I do hope that this year will bring you many good and happy times with your family, friends, and of course all of the animals. :)


Thanks for visiting and leaving us a comment, they make our day! Take care, visit again soon. From everyone at Fairy Castle Farm !!