Hello and Welcome to Fairy Castle Farm,
My name is Yolanda, but my bunnies call me Yollie.
Yes that's right my bunnies talk to me, they have so much to say. It is not with words, but actions. Some of it I must admit is down right crazy stuff but other times I think they really are very clever and special, teaching me a great deal about trust, acceptance and above all happiness. I would love to share it with you too.
I would like to introduce you to my whole furry, feathered, scaled and skin brood: My bunnies are a breed of Old English Spot (or also known as English Butterfly): Angel, the dad, Teegee, the mum, Sweetie their daughter and Patches their son. (scroll page across to see whole picture)
My Chooks are Isa Browns: Ariel and Belle. Tink is my Light Sussex and sadly on Friday 13th January 2012 our newest addition to the clan Wilbur our Sweet Barnevelder Rooster, suddenly and sadly passed over Rainbow Bridge.
RIP Wil Nov 2010 - Jan 2012 |
Front: Belle, Rear: Ariel |
Ever Elusive "Fish" |
Apart from my "Castle" residents I also have our guardian and protector of the brood, my beloved and very old mouser, "Sir Chester the Cat" or simply 'Chester' for convenience .
Chester |
The humans that share Fairy Castle Farm are, my wonderful husband Stewart, whom the bunnies refer to as "Yollie's bonded mate", my dear little "Miss Princess" and finally our patient and kind "Nannie".
Blossom |
Early in 2011 our dear old girl, Blossum (a rescued MalteeseX) passed away at a very old age of 18+years. We remember her fondly and have so many wonderful memories of her (R.I.P Blossom). Last but not least is my trouble maker, Holly Dog (our Dalmatian).
Holly |
I really do hope you enjoy reading about the many and varied adventures as well as viewing the wonderful photos of my suburban "farm".
Cheers, Yollie
Sweetie, Spokes Bun of Fairy Castle Farm |
PS - I almost forgot, most of the time it will be "Sweetie" my trusted bunny guide who will be keeping you updated, she is very much more interesting than me, and sees the world through "bunny eyes" which is always so much fun! So to finish, as Sweetie would say.... we would love to hear from you too .... Remember, Don't be Shy to Say Hi!
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