Hi Friends, Sweetie here....... |
Here is what happened. My Yollie keeps our hay in the East Wing (our silver tool shed) up on blocks to keep it clean and dry. This bale came from a different Fodder store to the one that sold us the 'soiled' Pellets
(click this link for full story:
http://fairycastlefarm.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/angels-feels-mother-natures-gift-of.html ). Boy are we unlucky with Fodderstores of late!
Sorry, back to my story, okay.
While My Yollie was on her daily afternoon 'rounds' of the Kingdom- I Sweetie, as usual accompanied her. Well I was getting bored and fidgety listening to My Yollie fuss and croon over Teegee and Angel for like, FOREVER! So My Yollie suggested I might like to wait for her in the East Wing.
So I hopped of like a good bunny and began a very thorough inspection of the oh so scrummy Hay bale. Just as I was ears deep in the scrummy hay 'inspecting' it, Yollie came back.
I have never seen and felt such fear and shock wash over a human so suddenly!! My senses went into overdrive.Yollie's arms dropped to her sides, the Chooks' food she was holding spilled to the ground and I swear I could hear My Yollie's heart pounding, all at the same time!! I leapt off the bale, to the floor and only stopped when I was safely hidden behind her legs! I peered cautiously from behind her and to my horror I could see what had frightened My Yollie so.... I saw a gleam just to the back of where I had just been perched. It was this snake.
This is the (dead) Brown Snake:Can you believe it? .... a dead young Brown Snake was under my paws, literally!!!!! It is true! This is not the first time we have been visited by such reptilian....
I literally freaked out, thumping like mad.... primal fear and all.
Patches demonstrates my look! |
It took me a second to workout it was not alive. I watched My Yollie as she went over to confirm it was dead. With relief written all over her face (and body) I too began to calm down. Acting quickly, My Yollie closed the East Wing, got a snap lock bag and carefully removed the little guy. As scared as we were, I have to say I could see My Yollie felt a bit sad for the little tacker. We could see that he had his spine broken, most likely during the harvest and had died right there in the bale. -Later My Yollie told me that she called the store but hey did not care at all! They did not offer an apology, not even wanting to take her details. We were concerned that considering their clientรจle (race horses) they might want to be aware... but apparently not. So now Yollie does don't got there either anymore.
Here you see Miss Princess preparing our breakfast and my Daddy Angel, 'inspecting' the hay bale. Not the same one that had the snake, but you get the idea... |
I am just happy the ordeal is over and now I am very careful when I hop up onto the Hay Bale, I check with My Yollie that it is safe to do so first!
Thanks for stopping by friends,
Keep safe and remember "Don't be shy to hop by and say Hi!!"
Sweetie xx