Barnevelder X Isa Browns (like Belle and Ariel). We loved watching the babies hatch out of their eggs, they were just so small and fragile, but very cute.
Tinkerbell teaching her 11 chicks how to have a dust bath, they had a party in the dirt.... can you see all their pretty markings?
Next we had a birthday party during my holidays.......
Daddy's Birthday cake, mummy and me made it..... he wasn't sure if it's a rat or bunny, but he was happy it tasted scrummy!! Happy Birthday Daddy *kiss*. My 'Shadow' and best mate, Sir Chester the Mouser of Fairy Castle Farm, he is my favourite cat.
Angel, our mushy bunny, full of kisses and cuddles - just don't pick him up!
Hello 'Goofy Patches"
This is Will, here he is looking at me taking a picture of him...
Finally, more dust bath action.
Thanks for visiting, I had a great holiday and will miss all my 'brothers and sisters' while I am at school. My favourite thing when I get home is seeing Chester waiting for me at the front gate under the rose bush... I wonder if he sits there all day while I am at school just waiting for me to come home?
I hope you have enjoyed my view of our Kingdom..... till next time, Miss Princess xxx
Very nice pictures! I especially liked the one of Will the rooster. :)
Little chicks are just adorable. What do the buns think of them?
Lovely pictures, Miss Princess! Chicks are always so cute, especially their little "peep-peep-peep"-ing. :)
Miss Princess, all of your pictures are very good. I like the pictures of the chicks and Sir Chester.
Thanks for all your lovely comments ladies, when "miss Princess" returns from school, she will gladly answer all your questions.. . take care, Yollie (court jester/servant)
A wonderful post Miss Princess! Your daddy's cake looks yummy!
Alycia - thanks very much, it took a long time. I took about 10 of them to get the perfect one of Will and this is my favourite picture of him.
Christina - the bunnies don't mind, they quite like them. Teegee even tried to hatch them when they were eggs. When Tink (mother hen) got off the nest, Teegee hopped on!
Jade - yes, they are pretty cute, i love their peeping too, but it drives the bunnies crazy! Thank you for your comment.
Clovie Boy - Thank you very much, Sir Chester is pretty good, isn't he?
Shell - It was yummy, do you think it is a rat or a bunny?
Thank you all for your comments.
From Miss Princess
Thanks for sharing princess. I am very jealous of your kingdom :)
How cute are the chicks!!!!
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