Hi, Sweetie your Spokes-bun here,
Sweetie |
Welcome to all our new followers and seasoned ones as well *giggles*
It has been an eternity since we have updated our blog. For this we apologise. So much has been happening here.
A summary is in order.
We saw Dr Harry at Petstock and he remembered us!!! |
The SUV in our fence |
Our damaged fence |
A car came crashing through the side fence and caused some damage but everyone was fine and no one was hurt in the accident. Yollie brought us some strawberry tops as treats thinking we would be frightened by the noise but we honestly did not know what all the fuss was about, if anything the flashing red and blue lights we really very pretty!
On to....... Yollie's birthday bash :) |
Very funny Mr Stewart !! |
Mummy (Teegee) and I are still at eachother's throats - so Yollie had us booked in to be spayed. This sadly has been put on hold temporarily as Yollie herself needed to have surgery. This was last Thursday. She is back home and feeling well again.
Patches and I were ever so lucky to move into our very own Bunny-Pad...
Our Kingdom has expanded ! |
It was a birthday present for Yollie from her bonded-mate (husband) Mr Stewart, to help make life easier for her with our housing and upkeep since it has taken so long for failed re-bonding attempts for mummy and I. The plan is once mummy and I have been spayed and Yollie has successfully rebonded us, this house could be used as our 'transportable' holiday home. To use around the kingdom as a playpen. Or a transportable chook coop or we could just let Willow use it as a cat run *giggles* the possibilities are endless!
Willow at 5 months |
Willow celebrated her 5month birthday .... by the fire.

and finally,
Toasted marshmallows while recovering from surgery, Yollie says "Are the Best!!":) |
So there you have it. It has been go, go, go around here.... hope you enjoy the pics. As always thanks for stopping by. We love it when you say Hi! Till next time. "Don't be shy to hop by and say Hi!" xoxox Sweetie
I hope Yollie is feeling betterand the damage caused by the car has been fixed,good luck with being spayed goes well and that you and your mummy re-bond soon.the new bunny pad looks swish.and Willow looking adoarable at 5 months.And you look absolutely beautiful Sweetie.You guys have been busy...Phew...Speedy say's to send Yollie super sized Speedy snuggles to get her better,xo Speedy and Mum
*waves paw* Hi speedy, it has been so long since we have heard from you.... it always brightens our day.... we are having the fence fixed tomorrow and Yollie is doing really well now thank you xx Willow says 'hi' ... thanks so much for hopping by ~Sweetie
Always exciting things happening at the Farm...Mr. Mick and I will be thinking good thoughts for a quick recovery for Yollie and successful spays and rebonding for the ladybuns!
*soft whisker tickles* Thanks so much Aunty Jade and dear Mr Mick xx ~Sweetie
its been a while since we heard from you Sweetie,so we thought we would stop by and see how you all are,we hope Yollie continues to recover and that you have been spayed so that you can all re-bond and Willow continues to thrive,Speedy kisses to you all and hugs from Mum
Hi Sweetie I have something for you pop by when you have a chance,its an award!hehe,Speedy
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