Sweetie, English Butterfly Bunny & Tour Guide

Sweetie, English Butterfly Bunny & Tour Guide
Hi and welcome to "Fairy Castle Farm" I hope you enjoy your stay! I should introduce myself, my name is Sweetie and I am a resident of Fairy Castle Farm. Well it's not actually a farm, but a suburban home in the southern suburbs of South Australia. I am a rare Old English Spot Bunny, and absolutely love life here with all my family and some good friends too... let me take you on a tour ....

Fairy Castle Farm : Global Visitors


Monday, April 18, 2011

Long lost photos... found at last..... come have a look ....

OOOh, sorry I didn't realise you were here.  Where are my manners.  Good Day All, It's Sweetie here.  After much hoping and praying and begging, My Yollie finally downloaded the software for her new camera.  Well I say "new" loosely because she has had it since mid 2010 - but better late than never hey.  So this entry is just a collection of forgotten pics and flicks... Enjoy.... Let us know what you think!

First up we have Chester, doing what he does best!

Next, we have a very young Willow, or "Will" as we call her. My has she grown.  I will need to get My Yollie to take a new one to compare the difference!
Now in this photo we have my Daddy-bun, Angel checking out his kingdom...

Here we have some photos of the castle during construction.... my how it has changed since then.

Do you want to see more?
Ok now here it gets really good.  This is the night time view of the finished caslte....
Here is the day time finished castle ....

This is the "bunny" wing where we sleep and view the kingdom.
Here it is at dusk .....

This is where the chooks roost.  They have a drawbridge to get out in the mornings.
Here are their nesting boxes. Ssshhh, don't tell Mr Human, they never used them so we got rid of them and never told him,,,, to this day it is a mystery.
Here you have Patches and I discussing our new residence. I don't remember what he was saying to me but it was probably something really silly, he is soooo goofy you know!

Here we are checking things out in our new home ... Tunnels to explore ..  new toys to mark  it was sooooo much fun.

Now we have some pics of proud new mum Tinkerbelle. when she first took her bubs out on parade through the kingdom.  Some very cute pics here....
Little bubby chicks, the "Barnevelders" so cute...  but very noisy...

Tinkerbelle, keeping an ever watchful eye over her charges...
And there you have it!!  What do you think? what is your favourite. Do you have any questions???  Please feel free to leave us a comment. Have a wonderful week. From everyone here at "Fairy Castle Farm"   bye, Sweetie xoxox


Jason Dingley said...

You garden looks great. And I love the throne next to castle.

FairyCastleFarm said...

Hi Jason, Thanks for leaving us a comment!! We are glad you like it and yes the Throne is very popular. Now it is inside the castle and we all fight over it.... But there is only one Princess in this castle (that's me Sweetie)so it's my throne! xx

Jan Mader said...

What a wonderful enchanting blog you have. Everything looks and feels like magic!

FairyCastleFarm said...

Thank you Jan, you captured it perfectly, It feels like magic living here!! Well said. Take care and Hoppy Easter =;o3

Anonymous said...

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

FairyCastleFarm said...
